Book Launch | Panchang:
The Vedic vs. Gregorian time keeping system

Why this topic now?

“Why should anyone read this book?” is a natural question that may come to mind. Well! We plan to settle on Mars and the moon very soon. We will need a robust calendaring system for living on Mars. Our current earth-based calendar is earth-centric and cannot be used on Mars or any other location in the galaxies. The need for time-keeping is also an important part of living, maybe next to the bare essentials such as the need for oxygen, shelter, and food. It would be prudent to leverage what is already available that is accurate and shows the quickest path to future needs. We will need to create a concrete framework for calendar (timekeeping) management that allows future plotting and tracking back past dates with precision for locations other than the earth.

If enough people understand this and start using this knowledge about Vedic time management and the calendar, the world will be a different place. Just remember that “LOL” is not a proper English word. But a bunch of teenagers started using it to communicate “Laughing out loud,” and now everyone in society knows what it means! It has even been recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary.

Vedic Calendar: Quick Introduction

The Panchang is an ancient Indian system of timekeeping that is based on astronomy, geography, and mathematical formulae for the most reliable and accurate timekeeping.The Panchang is based on both solar and lunar cycles. Therefore, it indicates both the phase of the moon and the location of the sun. In the Vedic calendar, seasons follow the sun; months follow the moon, and days both the sun and the moon.

To date, the best explanation for this particular ordering of the weekdays and their association with various grahas (i.e. planets) comes from a verse in the Aryabhatiya, composed by the Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhatta (Aryabhatiya, KalaKriya Pada, Verse, 16):

(Above mentioned verse): The seven Grahas begin with the slowest velocity Graha, Shani (Saturn), arranged in the order of increasing velocity. The Grahas occurring fourth in the order of increasing velocity are the lords of the successive days, which are reckoned from Sunrise.

Gift it to the next generation

During the Vedic era, science and rituals were intertangled. Readers of the book may learn about the Ancient Indian astronomers who had terms for measurements of time as small as 34,000th a second, proving the Indian system of dating to be unarguably precise and, above all, scientific., or reader may learn information such as the north pole changes every few centuries is well documented in the ancient texts.

Each adult should buy twenty-one copies to gift to the kids of the next generation. You may consider gifting copies to your local libraries for broader circulation.

Introduction to

Calendar Science

for 22nd- Century Readers

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